Paranormal Pop Quiz, North Pinellas County

I was in Gulfport for the Centennial art show celebration. I took the opportunity to slip up to the Peninsula Inn. I had heard of the ghost story before, but wanted to see what we could set up for the SPIRITS.
The hotel is quite historic. I did get a brief reading with the EMF meter, which read .6 on the 0 - 3 scale. Inside, the EMF went up to a 1.2 to 1.5. I had one spike, which I could not explain but did not have enough time to satisfactorally investigate, either. The needle spiked from a .6 to a 1.5 in the lobby. We were discussing the SPIRITS' cards. I had given one to the hotel earlier. I had brought a second one, and had commented that it, like the first, would glow in the dark when we got the spike.
Walked back to the dining room, where Isabel is supposed to be most active. EMF went up to 1.5. However, the EMF was probably affected by the lights in the room. Kitchen had high EMF as well. While in the kitchen we heard a noise, which I identified as an outside sound. After I left, I did pop back and determined that, yes, there were people in the back of the hotel working.
Looking forward to going back shortly.